October 10, 2009

Just because I love LP, doesn't mean I have to love DBS

I'd been wanting to post about this for a while, but I just hadn't had the time.

Here's the thing. I'm not excited about DBS. I was when I first heard of it and I thought it was cool we'd get to listen to some new music from Chester and I loved Let Down... but now, I'm not even gonna buy the CD. I seriously wanted to find as much info on the band as possible and couldn't wait to hear the music and then I just stopped caring. In fact, I had talked about this with my friend Sadie and with Mickey, and I was just like, 'I don't have to love it just because Chester is involved.'

The first thing is that the songs just haven't caught my attention. The day I saw the webcast for the epicenter, I seriously got up to brush my teeth when DBS came out. I'm not excited about the songs, and even though I know Chester sounds amazing because he's a very talented singer, I just don't wanna go and hear the rest of the songs that are out there.

This could be because of how this whole thing has changed my opinion of Chester, from rolling my eyes so many times at Talinda's twitter that I had to unfollow her, to the little things that seemed so fake and manufactured simply to show off, to the small things that disappoint, like Chester laughing on the KROQ interview as he said, "I was divorcing this person that I hate and she took my house and my money..." it just makes me cringe. I seriously didn't like Sam at all, and her twitter had the opposite effect in me, making me see that she's a great person and to hear him say something like that on an interview it's just, ugh, like I said disappointing. I never assumed that Chester was perfect, but I guess I still had a different image of him in my head and the reality check has been a big one.

And then yesterday Ryan and Amir twitted about Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, and even though I can understand the surprise about him winning, but I do not understand insulting the guy and it just really bugged me and disappointed me, specially from Ryan because I really don't care that much about Amir. It's not like Obama asked for the prize, and if you think about it, he's doing a hell of a lot more than Bush to keep from bombing the world.

I know these will all seem like stupid things to some and maybe they are... and die hard DBS-fans would tell me I'm crazy... but when I was just 'meh...' about DBS in the beginning, I just don't care at all right now.


Sadie said...


I'm totally on the same boat, I could really give a flying f**k about DBS. I'm waiting for LP to release a new album. . .hopefully DBS won't take too long.

Nathy said...

Lol, I agree. I don't hate Chester and he's still an amazing singer, but at the moment I'll stick with the Chester in my fics, he's dreamy.
No DBS for Nat.

Mickey said...

I couldn't agree more. I mean, yeah, I think I'm a bit more excited about DBS' music than you are...but that doesn't take much, lol. But yeah, I don't really care about the people. In fact I'm finding myself to get more and more blah about both the members of LP and DBS. Maybe Mike is the only exception.
But yeah...Bennoda in fics are dreamy and cute and I'll stick with them.

Nathy said...

Yeah, I think a lot of people agree with me. I'm just glad no one has come ranting how about how awesome they are, lol, but then again they were probably smart and read my warning on twitter.

But yeah, I've now made up my mind that I won't be buying the CD nor feel bad for not even listening to the songs, I don't want another insight to Chester's mind, I rather keep to the one on my fics like I said, lol.

Anonymous said...

Um this is pathetic. I really wish Chester, Talinda AND Sam would delete their twitter. You psycho fans are causing so much more drama in their life than needed. No one is perfect, and just because they are in a great rock band or married to someone in a rock band doesn’t make them perfect. You don’t know what goes on between Sam, Chester and Talinda behind close doors, so stop trying to get involved in their lives by filling in the blanks with what every bias story you decide to put in there. Sam could be crazy, Chester could be a asshole and Talinda could be a trophy wife. Who’s to judge? You? Some nobody sitting on the other end of a computer screen or a cell phone getting little 160 or less character tweets from these people. Or a few minuet interview where chester talks about divorcing a woman he hates. (note to the wise you don’t divorce people you love... there were obvious problems if they got a divorced) Stop the hating, its exhausting and senseless. You are being just as immature with this situation as they are tweeting and talking about it. So really get off the internet, pick up a hobby or two and get a life. Also evaluate who your judging and why and look at how bias you are being and why your being bias. Its good to question your own judgement sometimes.