July 18, 2010


So a couple of months ago I found out that Jeff Dunham was going to be on tour and there was gonna be a show close to here and I bought the tickets. I'd been waiting for months to go and I was seriously excited and seriously looking forward to it.

I finally went Thursday night and it was AWESOME. As usual he had a bit of stand up at the beginning just himself, then Walter, then Achmed then Peanut and Jose and then a new character too.

In the opening he talked a bit about his daughters and about looking like a pervert in Miley Cyrus concert. I laughed my butt off. Walter was my definite favorite of the night. All of Jose's jokes were from previous shows and some of Peanut's and Achmed's jokes I had heard before too.
Walter was all new material and the only joke he repeated was the one of what he says as a greeter in Walmart. I'm pretty sure Walter is the easiest character for him to write for, not to mention the easiest to improvise with. He was hilarious and made fun of Jeff to death over his divorce. It was clever and very funny.
"What's it like not being married? I bet it's amazing doing what you want. Not having to put the toilet seat down. I'd hot glue it up, that's what I'd do. I'd crap in the backyard just because I can. Just me and the dog."
"We're in London and this black guy starts talking to me. I don't know what else to call him. He's not african american." *looks at Jeff frown* "You didn't think that one through, did you? Is he african british?"

He also teased about Amsterdam, about Jeff's younger girlfriend, more about the divorce and I'm pretty sure there was not a joke that didn't make me laugh.

Achmed was going on about being an actor and it was pretty damn funny too and Peanut was as ADD as always and quite funny as well. It was a damn good and funny show and even if I was pretty far, it was worth the money I spent for the tickets and I'd gladly do it again. I really can't wait for his next special to come out in DVD.

After the show was over he took out a t-shirt gun and starting shooting t-shirts but decided that didn't reach far enough so they brought him a bigger one. That one wasn't enough either and they brought him a freaking t-shirt bazooka. He reached all the way to the other side of the stadium.
"So, these shirts are packed tight and we don'r have insurance so if this is coming your way either duck or catch it or put someone else on the way."

While we waited for the show to start they had a fun slideshow with quotes from Walter, some trivia, like Peanut is the only doll he hasn't built himself and the fact that his hobbie is building freaking helicopters. Yup, you read that right: HELICOPTERS.

Enjoy the awesome:

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