July 9, 2010

A Thousand Suns

So... for a while now my fan girl corner has been occupied by the fact that I'm going to see Jeff Dunham on July 15th. It's less than a week and I'm so excited because I love him and I heard him on the radio and he said he has a new character and everything and he's so awesome and I can't wait!

But yeah, it's been there a while and I thought I'd change it if Roger won Wimbledon but that didn't happen, or if Germany won the WC which didn't happen either, but I finally have a reason to change it!

Linkin Park's new album is coming out on September 14th, it's called A Thousand Suns and the first single is called The Catalyst which will be out August 2nd!
I know I haven't been too loving with the band, stopped listening to them for a while, hating on DBS, etc... but they've slowly started making their way into my playlist again and I finally listened to Blackbirds the other day, and worked on the Shinoda Land layout so I was starting to feel the love for them again when the announcement came out so I'm excited! I can't wait to see what they come up with this time. So... for the fan girl corner I'm gonna use this photo of Mike that they're using in the new look of linkinpark.com (they have one for each band member, they look kinda cool actually. Except Rob's. Looks terrible). August 2nd, get here quick!

I think it's normal too, to stop feeling so passionate about things, specially bands. You start listening to other things and sometimes your tastes even change a bit and where you are doesn't fit the music.
I'm the type of person that has to be in a certain mood to listen to certain types of music and when you're completely in love with a band you can listen to it no matter what mood you're on but that love can change sometimes and I think that's normal and a bit healthy.
It didn't mean that I stopped loving LP, it just meant that I didn't love them as much. I still kept up with Mike, and if the mood felt right, I still listened to them... but it feels good to be getting that love back for them. (Though I still refuse to listen to DBS, lol.)

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